Depression detection using emotional artificial intelligence and machine learning: A closer review

A very helpful tool for analyzing what is being said about a brand on social media, which helps to make the right decisions related to the information. In addition, it provides its clients with detailed reports and a customized dashboard on the company’s social media activity. Brazil’s Yellow Line of the Sao Paulo Metro deployed AdMobilize emotion AI analytics technology to optimize their subway interactive ads according to people’s emotions. AdMobilize emotion AI software is integrated to security cameras in order to measure face metrics, such as gender, age range, gaze through rate, attention span, emotion, and direction. These metrics enabled advertisers to classify people’s expressions into happiness, surprise, neutrality, and dissatisfaction, and change their ads accordingly.

Mood analysis using AI

This may challenge the model in extracting meaningful information from noise. Multiple preprocessing steps (e.g., data denoising, data interpolation, data transformation, and data segmentation) are necessary for dealing with the raw EEG signal before feeding to the DL models. Besides, due to the dense characteristics in the raw EEG data, analysis of the streaming data is computationally more expensive, which poses a challenge for the model architecture selection. A proper model should be designed relatively with less training parameters. This is one reason why the reviewed studies are mainly based on the CNN architecture. A lot of companies use focus groups and surveys to understand how people feel.

Facial gesture recognition for emotion detection: A review of methods and advancements

Within the first month of using Cresta, EarthLink reported experiencing an 11% reduction in Average Handle Time (AHT) and a 124% improvement in value added services conversion rate, which is a success by any measure. In short, if left unaddressed, conscious or unconscious emotional bias can perpetuate stereotypes and assumptions at an unprecedented scale. Several methods have been applied to deal with this challenging yet important problem.

However, the recall, precision and F1 score are quite high for all the moods for all the classifiers (as shown in Tables 12 and 13). Another factor contributing towards the anomalies in the prediction is non-textual elements in the posts, such as emojis. For example, the post “I’m so sorry ” is predicted to have the moods Sorry, Neutral, and Mad in decreasing order of likelihood. However, when the emoji is considered, which was a part of the post before pre-processing, the emotion of the post changes which cannot be captured by the classifiers.

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Figure 2 represents the total number the posts corresponding to each of the moods. Figure 3 represents the cumulative accuracy of the classifiers over the test data set. Since the split of training and testing data is random, the average of five iterations is considered for calculating accuracy. From this figure also, it can be seen that Random Forest, Decision Tree and Complement Naive Bayes classifiers have the highest accuracy, followed by Multinomial Naive Bayes.

Mood analysis using AI

Through each, the implications of algorithmic bias are a clear reminder that business and technology leaders must understand and prevent such biases from seeping in. By being continuously available for patients, AI precludes the need to schedule an appointment. By accurately pre-screening patients, it saves precious bandwidth in the mental health system.


The interest in facial emotion recognition is growing increasingly, and new algorithms and methods are being introduced. Recent advances in supervised and unsupervised machine learning brought breakthroughs in the research field, and more and more accurate systems are emerging every year. However, even though progress is considerable, emotion detection is still a very big challenge.

Thus, Complement Naive Bayes has more consistent predictions and the top moods more or less capture the actual real-life mood in the period of time covered by the data set. Using natural language processing tools to analyze Facebook posts, the new machine-learning model infers both how happy or sad a person is feeling at any given time as well as how aroused or lackadaisical. Over time, this algorithm can even produce a video out of a person’s emotional ups and downs. Call centers — Technology from Cogito, a company co-founded in 2007 by MIT Sloan alumni, helps call center agents identify the moods of customers on the phone and adjust how they handle the conversation in real time.

Facial expression video analysis for depression detection in Chinese patients

Cognovi Labs, an emotion AI analytics solution developer, created a Coronavirus Panic Index to track consumer sentiments and trends about the pandemic and spread of Covid-19. Cognovi’s solution relies on analyzing emotions from public data about the pandemic from social media, blogs, and forums, in order to predict how the population in a specific area will respond to certain pandemic-related events. These insights can be leveraged by businesses and government officials to develop virus-containment strategies, raise awareness about Covid-19, and provide physical and mental healthcare accordingly. This model uses a corpus, a set of data, which are labeled as positive or negative by humans.

Furthermore, training model to predict future outcomes such as treatment response, emotion assessments, and relapse time is also a promising future direction. The purpose of this study is to investigate the current state of applications of DL techniques in studying mental health outcomes. Out of 2261 articles identified based on our search terms, 57 studies met our inclusion criteria and were reviewed. Some studies that involved DL models but did not highlight the DL algorithms’ features on analysis were excluded. From the above results, we observed that there are a growing number of studies using DL models for studying mental health outcomes. Particularly, multiple studies have developed disease risk prediction models using both clinical and non-clinical data, and have achieved promising initial results.

An Automated System for Depression Detection Based on Facial and Vocal Features

One application of DL in fMRI and sMRI data is the identification of ADHD25,26,27,28,29,30,31. To learn meaningful information from the neuroimages, CNN and deep belief network (DBN) models were used. In particular, the CNN models were mainly used to identify local spatial patterns and DBN models were to obtain a deep hierarchical representation of the neuroimages. Different patterns were discovered between ADHDs and controls in the prefrontal cortex and cingulated cortex.

  • The rest of the article has been organised as follows—Section 2 provides a literature review of some of the trend-setting and recent research work.
  • However, hypernym representation enhances the performance mainly for rule-based classifiers and have little to no effect on other classifiers (Scott and Matwin 1999).
  • Machines can analyze images and pick up subtleties in micro-expressions on humans’ faces that might happen even too fast for a person to recognize.
  • Smoking marijuana was clearly more indicative of predicted GAD if the individual was overweight or obese (4d).
  • Sentiment analysis using NLP technique is used to recognize emotions from tweets.

As AI emotional inference models become more accurate, their usefulness to non-experts may increase, perhaps serving as the tipping point to encourage those in need to reach out to mental health professionals. The most obvious applications of sentiment analysis are in product marketing, but UX workers and developers can use the tool just as well. One use may be to find out what product features are missing the mark by analyzing negative emotions in product reviews. Alternatively, sentiment analysis could be your new KPI (key performance indicator) by proving to a product manager or upper management how positive users’ opinions are about the newly remodeled interface.

Ready to go deeper?

“AI can transform mental health; however, we must watch out for some risks when they are deployed in the real world,” says Sathiyan Kutty, Head of Predictive Analytics at one of the largest healthcare organizations in the US. Kutty notes that AI solutions can be biased because the data often come from people experiencing mental health struggles rather than those who are healthy. Mitigating this risk calls for balancing data samples with enough healthy individuals. Besides, there are cultural and regional nuances that emotion detection models cannot detect if they’re built on the theory of universal emotions. For this reason, a lot of companies that offer such software start to develop regional solutions that take into account the intricacies and cultural predispositions of candidates. Now that everyone’s remote, people are using systems to check if people are cheating.

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